Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, 8/30/2011

(Note from Mrs. G:  We have strep going around our classroom!  If your child has a fever or sore throat, etc, you might want to keep the strep situation in mind.)

Today we found out which insects we are each going to have for our science project.  We got on the computers and got some information about our insects today.  We are going to make our information into a Keynote.

Even better, today we got MEALWORMS!  Mrs. G went to the pet store and bought tubs of mealworms.  They are awesome!  We are going to get to hold them if we want to.  But we are not going to eat them.

We talked about problems and solutions in reading today.  Today in spelling we put the words in their sound groups in a chart.  Our words this week all have the long a or the long e sound.

In math, we played multiplication war with decks of cards.  We also used the iPods and laptops again to practice math facts.
We also learned about coordinate grids and WON FABULOUS PRIZES when we found the location on the grid!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 29th

Today was a fantastic day in 4th grade!  We played on the iPods - to practice our math facts.  And we learned about metamorphosis when we talked about insects in science.  Metamorphosis means changing shape.  Insects start as eggs, then larva, then pupa and finally - adult.  (Note from Mrs. G - ask your kiddo to show you the hand motions that go with the life stages!) 
We got to choose the insects that we are each going to study in science - and we'll find out the final results tomorrow.  :)
In math today, we made shape art.  We'll have pictures up tomorrow of our final designs.
And most importantly, today we had Readers Friends for the first time. It was so fun.  We helped them check out.
We took the MAZE comprehension test in reading - it's a great test because it is only 3 minutes long!
Today we also wrote our spelling words in ABC order.
We can't wait to find out which insects we get to start studying tomorrow!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday's Newsletter for 4G 8/26/2011

Hello everyone!  Your student will be bringing home a paper version of this newsletter, but I wanted to make sure that it was available for you online, in an "un-crushed-in-the-backpack" version!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, Aug. 24th

It was so hot today!  Everyone came in from recess all sweaty!
(Note from Mrs. Goertzen:  EVERY 4th grader has a spelling list to bring home to study for the spelling test on Friday!)
Today we took our apples outside (because Mrs. G was grossed out by all the flies) and we set them in the sun for 2 hours.  We weighed them when we brought them back inside and they all weighed less.  Then we threw them all away!
We wrote 5 sentences in spelling today, so we talked about what sentences need to have.
In math we talked about shapes and we used the Promethean board to play with the shapes.
In social studies we watched a Keynote about the USA's symbols.
We took a reading test on the computers today.  (Note from Mrs. G - we are not finished; we'll finish up tomorrow, I think).
For lunch we had hamburgers and a juice up and the really spicy french fries.  No, they weren't spicy (we have differing opinions in the classroom!)
We talked about deodorant today (always a fabulous 4th grade conversation) and about wearing appropriate shoes to p.e.
Mrs. Goertzen is reading "Larger Than Life Lara" to us.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday, 8/23/11 (Open House tonight!)

Today we did a lot.  We talked about the AR rules. We did the apple experiment again -  some of our apples are growing fungus and mold - awesome!  We used Google Earth and looked at Buhler, the Eiffel Tower, and the Sears Tower.  We looked at the forests in other states. We took timed tests for the first time.  We played a game called Poison Frogs and we played "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" and had to stand up quickly every time we said a word that started with a B!  We got on Spelling City during spelling time. We made lists of 10 things that made each of us smile.
We had a GREAT TIME!
Tonight is Open House night.  From 6:30 - 7:15 you can come to school and see what we are doing so far.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Our Classroom

Photos of our classroom, before students arrived for the 1st day!

Coming Attractions...

It seems impossible, but in just a few hours, students will begin their first day of school for the 2011 - 2012 school year!  I can hardly wait - every year I get a little nervous the night before school starts; I think I'm just so excited that I can hardly wait!
One fun bit of news:
This upcoming Saturday, the 20th, our PTO is having a Family Swim Night at the Buhler Pool!  It's only $1/person to get in (or $5 for a whole family if that's cheaper!)  And they are selling candy and soda for $1 as well.  They will also be selling $1 tickets for a raffle, and I hear that they have some great prizes - a big gift card, and I heard that they might have an Amelia Beadelia's necklace!  Parents need to stay at the pool with their children to supervise the swimming. This sounds like such a fun community-building evening - what a perfect end to such an important week!
Mrs. Goertzen


About Me

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I am a teacher, mother, wife of a drag racer, and avid reader who dreams of winning the lottery so that I can travel as exorbitantly as I wish.