Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Halloween 2009

Although it is December, not October, I wanted to share our class Halloween pictures before I forgot about them! We had a delightful selection of the scary, the beautiful, the creative and the Western (our theme for the year)!

Magnet Games 12/10/09

Our class has been learning about magnets in science. As a way to show off what we have learned, students created games that used magnets! We had a classroom full of awesome games - fishing with magnets instead of bait for fish with paperclips on them, race cars that were powered by magnets either attracting or repelling, dancing ballerinas with paperclip limbs that danced when magnets were put near them, and several others. It was fun to listen to everyone share their magnet game ideas and creations, and then we spent time playing everyone's games!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Static Electricity Experiments

Today we began studying electricity in science. Our first experiment was about static electricity. Each of our groups used 2 balloons and experimented with what made the balloons attract or repel - we tried water, wool sweaters, the carpet, and (of course) rubbing them on our heads!


Welcome to our new 4th grade blog! We plan to use this site to show the amazing things that we are learning and doing this year - creating VoiceThreads, photographs, Keynotes, Vokis, and other fun projects as we learn about Kansas history, the regions of the U.S., multiplication, cause & effect, magnets, and so many other things! We are excited to share our experiences with you!


About Me

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I am a teacher, mother, wife of a drag racer, and avid reader who dreams of winning the lottery so that I can travel as exorbitantly as I wish.