Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Center Photos

Hello all,
I know that the kids posted earlier this afternoon about our activities in class today. I took photos during our Thanksgiving-themed centers today, and I thought you might like to see what sorts of activities the kids spent the day working on!

Thanksgiving Centers

Today we made Pilgrim comics - there were pictures with speech bubbles and we had to make up what words might go in the bubbles. We made multiplication turkeys to practice our math facts. We sorted out Thanksgiving foods into the food groups. We watched a Keynote about Sarah Hale, who saved Thanksgiving. We used the Promethean board to do a coordinate grid. We made a quilt on the computer.  Here's the website that we used:
We finished reading our novel from last week. We also finished reading the book "We Can't All Be Rattlesnakes". 
Tomorrow we are going to have a fun day.  We are going to watch a movie, we can wear our pajamas to school, and we can bring electronics for Fun Friday (even though it is Tuesday)!
blogged by the whole class together!


About Me

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I am a teacher, mother, wife of a drag racer, and avid reader who dreams of winning the lottery so that I can travel as exorbitantly as I wish.