Monday, May 10, 2010

Tlingit Masks Slideshow

This is a slideshow with pictures of all of the Tlingit mask projects that have been turned in!  I'm so impressed with our class's work!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tlingit Masks - May 2010

The 4th graders have been studying regions of the U.S. this year.  For each of the 5 regions that we study, we also focus on Native Americans that have lived/currently live in that region.  Right now we are just finishing the West, and we have been studying the Tlingit tribe.  This tribe is famous for carving totem poles, having potlatches (the beginning of our "potlucks") and making animal masks.  Our classes made "masks" the other day on the computer.  Each student chose an animal that he/she felt they were similar to.  Each student took a photo of himself/herself on the computer's camera, found an image of his/her animal online, and layered the animal's face over his/her own face.  They then wrote poems describing their animal and comparing themselves to their animals.  It was so fun - their masks and poems are amazing!
Mrs. Goertzen

Friday, May 7, 2010

Upcoming Field Trips - SACK LUNCH ALERT!

We have several exciting things happening in 4th grade!
First and foremost,  your child is bringing home a sheet of paper today that has his/her scores from all 3 of the state assessments.  This paper shows you your child’s score as well as the category into which each of those scores fall.
Also, we have a couple of field trips coming up.  On Tuesday, May 18th, we will be going to the Cosmosphere first thing in the morning.  We’ll be watching an IMAX show that the Cosmosphere has specially ordered to support our Social Studies curriculum, a planetarium show, and a Dr. Goddard’s Lab show!  Each student will need to bring a sack lunch and we will be eating at a park or at the Cosmosphere before we come back to school.
On Wednesday, May 19th, we will be needing sack lunches again.  We will be walking to the Buhler Park in the late morning and spending some time playing - soccer, softball, possibly even fishing.  We will be eating our sack lunches and then having some fun activities… a hula-hoop contest, a limbo contest, and a talent show!  We will need a few parent volunteers that day to help supervise games at the park, handle any worms/fish/hooks for fishing, and help carry supplies there and back.  Please let me know if you’d be able to help that day - I think we’ll be at the park from 10:30 to around 1:00.
Have a great weekend!

Carla Goertzen


About Me

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I am a teacher, mother, wife of a drag racer, and avid reader who dreams of winning the lottery so that I can travel as exorbitantly as I wish.