Sunday, March 11, 2012

Newsletter 3/12/12

Hello all!
It's been ages since we've updated our class blog - I've only been at school for a day or two here and there, and blogging always seems to get pushed to the side! I'm at school almost every single day for the next month - I think I'm only gone 4 days - so hopefully we'll get back on track!
I am attaching a copy of the newsletter that is going to go home with students tomorrow (Monday, 3/12/12). The newsletter has information about school picture day this week and also about assessments. We begin our first round of assessments next week. The following week is Spring Break, then we have math assessments the week after Spring Break. Then we have a week of down time, and then we take the science assessments. And then we are jumping right into my two favorite projects of the whole 4th grade year: Native American tribe studies, and The 50 States (where each child gets to focus on a specific state). I love our end of the year time and can't wait to get through assessments to jump into some longer-term projects.

Mrs. Goertzen


About Me

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I am a teacher, mother, wife of a drag racer, and avid reader who dreams of winning the lottery so that I can travel as exorbitantly as I wish.