Monday, April 4, 2011

Suspensions & Solutions

We spent the past week in science studying what happens when 2 objects interact - which things dissolve, and what makes a suspension and what makes a solution. We learned that anything that gets mixed into a liquid, but doesn't completely dissolve is a suspension.  It still has pieces suspended in the liquid.  We found out that you can get those pieces out by using a filter.
Then we learned about solutions, where what's mixed in completely dissolves, and you don't see pieces any more.  We read that you can separate the parts by leaving it set out in a shallow bowl, and the water will evaporate.  Our groups let their solutions sit out in pie tins over the weekend, and had an interesting result this morning!

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I am a teacher, mother, wife of a drag racer, and avid reader who dreams of winning the lottery so that I can travel as exorbitantly as I wish.